This chapter describes how to configure the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol. OSPF is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). The router supports the following IGPs for building the IP routing table, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol and RIP Protocol. OSPF is based on link-state technology or the shortest-path first (SPF) algorithm. RIP is based on the Bellman-Ford or the distance-vector algorithm. This chapter includes the following sections:
To access the OSPF configuration environment, enter the following command at the Config> prompt:
Config> protocol ospf Open SPF-based Routing Protocol configuration monitoring OSPF Config>
Before you can use OSPF, you must configure it using the OSPF configuration commands. The following section summarizes and then explains the OSPF commands.
Note: | Except for the commands noted at Dynamically Changing OSPF Configuration Parameters, which cause OSPF to restart immediately with the changed parameters, the OSPF configuration commands are not effective immediately. They remain pending until you issue the Talk 5 reset ospf command. |
Table 22. OSPF Configuration Command Summary
Command | Function |
? (Help) | Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help". |
Add | Adds to already existent OSPF information. You can add ranges to areas, and neighbors to non-broadcast networks. |
Delete | Deletes OSPF information from SRAM. |
Disable | Disables the entire OSPF protocol, AS boundary routing capability, demand circuit capability, or IP multicast routing. |
Enable | Enables the entire OSPF protocol, AS boundary routing capability, demand circuit capability, or IP multicast routing. |
Join | Configures the router to belong to one or more multicast groups. |
Leave | Removes the router from membership in multicast groups. |
List | Displays OSPF configuration. |
Set | Establishes or changes the configuration information concerning OSPF areas, interfaces, non-broadcast networks, or virtual links. This command also allows you to set the way in which OSPF routes are compared with information gained from other routing protocols. |
Exit | Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment". |
Except for the commands noted at Dynamically Changing OSPF Configuration Parameters, which cause OSPF to restart immediately with the changed parameters, the OSPF configuration (Talk 6) commands do not become effective immediately. They remain pending until you issue the Talk 5 reset ospf command.
Use the add command to add more information to already existing OSPF information. With this command you can add ranges to areas as well as neighbors to non-broadcast networks.
Valid Values: The area number of any configured OSPF NSSA. The set area command is used to configure the NSSA.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address mask. However, when the mask is logically ANDed with the range IP address, the resulting value should equal that address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Yes or no
Default Value: No
Valid Values: X'0-9', X'A-F', and X'a-f'.
Default Value: None. The advertised tag will be generated as if the type 5 LSA were originated by the router.
Example: add nssa-range
NSSA Area ID []? IP Address []? IP Address Mask []? Inhibit advertisement? [No]: External LSA Tag Value [0]? 1CD2 NSSA Range added or modified.
Ranges can be defined to control which routes are advertised externally to an area. There are two choices:
Ranges cannot be used for areas that serve as transit areas for virtual links. Also, when ranges are defined for an area, OSPF will not function correctly if the area is partitioned but is connected by the backbone.
add range
inhibit advertisement ? [No]
Valid Values: Any valid area number
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address mask.
Default Value: none
Example: add neighbor
Interface IP address []? IP Address of Neighbor []? Can that router become Designated Router on this net [Yes]? Alternate TOS 0 cost [0]? 100
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any valid IP address
Default Value: None
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: Yes
Valid Values: 0 - 65534
Default Value: 0 (indicates that interface cost should be used).
Use the delete command to delete OSPF information from SRAM.
Example: delete area
Valid Values: Any valid area number.
Default Value: none
Example: delete interface
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any configured OSPF NSSA
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address mask.
Default Value: none
Example: delete nssa-range
NSSA Area ID []? IP Address []? IP Address Mask []? NSSA Range 0 deleted.
Example: delete neighbor
Interface IP address []? IP Address of Neighbor []?
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Example: delete non-broadcast
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Example: delete range
Valid Values: Any valid area address
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid IP address mask.
Default Value: none
Example: delete virtual-link
Virtual endpoint (Router ID) []? Link's transit area []?
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Any valid area address.
Default Value:
Use the disable command to disable the entire OSPF protocol, point-to-multipoint topology for an interface, demand circuit capability, or AS boundary routing capability.
Example: disable as boundary routing
Example: disable demand-circuits
Example: disable multicast forwarding
Example: disable OSPF routing protocol
The IP interface is the address of an interface to a broadcast network that has been configured as a point-to-multipoint network using the enable p2mp command.
Valid Values: valid IP address of any configured OSPF interface
Default Value: none
Example: disable rfc1583Compatibility
OSPF Config> disable subnet Interface IP address []?
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Use the enable command to enable the entire OSPF protocol, the advertisement of a stub to route to a subnet, point-to-multipoint topology for a broadcast interface, demand circuit capability, or AS boundary routing capability.
If you do not import subnet routes, OSPF will import only external routes that are network routes. See Default, Network, Subnet and Host Routes.
You can also specify whether to import aggregate routes into the OSPF domain. See Route Aggregation for more information.
An option within this command allows you to use a route filter policy to determine which routes are imported and the specific details of their advertisement including OSPF external type, metric, tag value (usually the number of the AS), and protocol. See Route Filter Policy Configuration for information about configuring a route filter policy. Example 1 shows AS boundary routing configuration when not using a route filter policy and Example 2 shows AS boundary routing configuration using a route filter policy.
Example 1:
enable as boundary routing Use route policy? [No]: Import BGP routes? [No] Import RIP routes? [No] Import static routes? [No] Import direct routes? [No] yes Import subnet routes? [Yes] Import aggregate routes? [No]: Always originate default route? [No] yes Originate as type 1 or 2 [2]? 2 Default route cost [1]? Default forwarding address []?
Example 2:
enable as boundary routing Use route policy? [No]: Yes Router Policy Identifier [1-15 characters] [ ]? ospf-import Always originate default route? [No]:
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Valid Values: a 1 to 15-character ASCII string
Default Value: none
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: No
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: No
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: No
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: No
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: Yes
Valid Values: Yes or No
Default Value: No
Valid Values: 1 or 2
Default Value: 2
Valid Values: 0 to 16777215
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: a valid IP address
Default Value: none
Example: enable multicast forwarding
Inter-area multicasting enabled (Yes or No): yes
OSPF Config> enable demand-circuits
Valid Values: 0 to 65535
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: 0 to 65535
Default Value: 50
Valid Values: 2048 to 65535
Default Value: 2048
Example: enable OSPF routing protocol
Estimated # external routes[100]? 200 Estimated # OSPF routers [50]? 60 Maximum LSA Size [2048]?
The IP interface indicates the OSPF interface which is to be a P2MP network.
Valid Values: any configured OSPF interface
Default Value: none
Example: enable rfc1583Compatibility
OSPF Config> enable subnet Interface IP address []?
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Use the join command to configure the router as a member of a multicast group. When the router is the member of a multicast group, it responds to PINGs and SNMP queries sent to the group address.
To request group membership in a more immediate way (a restart/reload is not required), issue the join command from OSPF monitoring. Also, from OSPF monitoring, the join command keeps track of the number of times a particular group is joined. IP multicast groups joined through OSPF monitoring are not retained across router restarts and reloads.
Example: join
The multicast group address parameter specifies the IP class D group/multicast address.
Valid Values: Class D IP address from to
Default Value: None
Use the leave command to remove a router's membership from a multicast group. This will prevent the router from responding to PINGs and SNMP queries sent to the group address.
To delete group membership in a more immediate way (a restart/reload is not required), issue the leave command from OSPF monitoring. Also, from OSPF monitoring, group membership is not deleted until the number of leaves executed equals the number of joins previously executed.
Example: leave
Valid Values: Class D IP address from to
Default Value: none
Use the list command to display OSPF configuration information.
Example: list all
--Global configuration-- OSPF Protocol: Enabled # AS ext. routes: 300 Estimated # routers: 100 Maximum LSA Size: 2048 External comparison: Type 2 RFC 1583 compatibility: Disabled AS boundary capability: Enabled Import external routes: BGP RIP STA DIR SUB Orig. default route: No (0, Default route cost: (1, Type 2) Default forward. addr.: Multicast forwarding: Enabled Inter-area multicast: Enabled Demand Circuits: Enabled Least Cost Ranges: Disabled LSA Max Random Initial Age: 0 --Area configuration-- Area ID AuType Stub? Default-cost Import-summaries? 0=None No N/A N/A --Interface configuration-- IP address Area Cost Rtrns TrnsDly Pri Hello Dead 1 5 1 1 10 60 1 5 1 1 10 60 1 5 1 1 10 60
OSPF protocol | Displays whether OSPF is enabled or disabled. |
# AS ext. routes | Displays the estimated number of Autonomous System external routes. The router cannot accept more than this number of AS external routes. |
Estimated # routers | Displays the estimated number of routers found in the OSPF configuration. |
Maximum LSA size | Displays the maximum size LSA that will be originated by this router. |
External comparison | Displays the external route type used by OSPF when importing external information into the OSPF domain and when comparing OSPF external routes to RIP/BGP routes. |
RFC 1583 compatibility | Indicates whether or not OSPF AS external route is compatible with RFC 1583. |
AS boundary capability | Displays whether the router will import external routes into the OSPF domain. |
Import external | Displays which routes will be imported. |
Orig default route | Displays whether the router will import a default into the OSPF domain. When the value is "YES", and a non-zero network number is displayed in parentheses. This indicates that the default route will be originated only if a route to that network is available. |
Default route cost | Displays the cost and type that will be used in the imported default route. |
Default forward addr | Displays the forwarding address that will be used for the originated default route. |
Multicast forwarding | Displays whether IP multicast datagrams will be forwarded. |
Demand circuits | Displays whether demand circuit processing is supported. |
Least Cost Area Ranges | Displays whether least cost area ranges are computed. |
LSA Max Random Initial Age | Displays the maximum initial age for self-originated LSAs. If this value is zero (the default), all LSAs will be originated with an age of 0. |
External comparison | Displays the external route type used by OSPF when importing external information into the OSPF domain and when comparing OSPF external routes to RIP/BGP routes. |
Inter-area multicast | Displays whether IP multicast datagrams will be forwarded between areas. |
Area-ID | Displays the attached area ID (area summary information) |
AuType | Displays the method used for area authentication. "Simple-pass" means a simple password scheme is being used for the area's authentication. |
Stub area | Displays whether or not the area being summarized is a stub area. Stub areas do not carry external routes, resulting in a smaller routing database. However, stub areas cannot contain AS boundary routers, nor can they support configured virtual links. |
OSPF interfaces | For each interface, its IP address is printed, together with configured parameters. "Area" is the OSPF area to which the interface attaches. "Cost" indicates the TOS 0 cost (or metric) associated with the interface. "Rtrns" is the retransmission interval, which is the number of seconds between retransmissions of unacknowledged routing information. "TrnsDly" is the transmission delay, which is an estimate of the number of seconds it takes to transmit routing information over the interface (it must be greater than 0). "Pri" is the interface's Router Priority, which is used when selecting the designated router. "Hello" is the number of seconds between Hello Packets sent out the interface. "Dead" is the number of seconds after Hellos cease to be heard that the router is declared down. |
Virtual links | Lists all virtual links that have been configured with this router as end-point. "Virtual endpoint" indicates the OSPF Router ID of the other end-point. "Transit area" indicates the non-backbone area through which the virtual link is configured. Virtual links are considered treated by the OSPF protocol similarly to point-to-point networks. The other parameters listed in the command ("Rtrns", "TrnsDly", "Hello," and "Dead") are maintained for all interfaces. See the OSPF list interfaces command for more information. |
Example: list areas
--Area configuration-- Area ID Stub/NSSA Default-Cost(Type) Inhibit-Sum/External NSSA-Trans Transit N/A N/A N/A NSSA 0(2) No /No Elected NSSA 5(2) No /No Elected --NSSA Area ranges-- Area ID Address Mask Advertise Tag No N/A Yes 0xACEEACEE
Area-ID | The Area address. |
Stub/NSSA | Indicates whether or not the area is a tranist area, stub area, or not-so-stubby area (NSSA). |
Default-cost (Type) | The cost of an Area Border Router (ABR) originated default route and, for NSSAs, the configured type. |
Inhibit-Sum/External | Whether or not summary and external route advertisement is inhibited. When external route importation is inhibited, an ABR acting as an AS Boundary Router will not advertise type 7 LSAs into the area. |
NSSA-Trans | Indicates whether an ABR for NSSA will participation in the NSSA type 7 LSA translation election process or unconditionally translate type 7 LSAs to type 5 LSAs. |
NSSA Area ranges-Area ID | The OSPF area address that indicates the NSSA area to which the range belongs. |
Address/Mask | The IP address and mask that identify the NSSA. |
Advertise | Indicates whether or not an OSPF type 5 advertisement is originated when there are NSSA external routes that fall within the NSSA range. |
Tag | This is the tag, if one has been configured for this NSSA range. The tag is a manually configured 4-byte hexadecimal value that is advertised with the type 5 LSA OSPF external routes. A tag exists only if the value of Advertise is Yes. |
Example: list interfaces
OSPF Config>list interface --Interface configuration-- IP address Area Auth Cost Rtrns Delay Pri Hello Dead 0 10 5 1 1 10 40 1 1 5 1 1 10 40 OSPF Config>list virtual-link --Virtual link configuration-- Virtual endpoint Transit area Auth Rtrns Delay Hello Dead 1 10 5 30 180 1 10 5 30 180 OSPF Config> OSPF Config>list area --Area configuration-- Area ID Stub? Default-cost Import-summaries? No N/A N/A No N/A N/A No N/A N/A Yes 10 Yes
Note: | Multicast parameters are not displayed if multicast is disabled. Demand circuit parameters are not displayed if none of the interfaces are configured as demand circuits. |
Example: list neighbors
--Neighbor configuration-- Neighbor Addr Interface Address DR eligible? Alternate TOS 0 Cost yes 0 no 100
Example: list non-broadcast
--NBMA configuration-- Interface Addr Poll Interval 120
Example: list virtual-links
--Virtual link configuration-- Virtual endpoint Transit area Rtrns TrnsDly Hello Dead 10 5 30 180
Use the set command to display or change the configuration information concerning OSPF areas, interfaces, non-broadcast networks, or virtual links. This command also allows you to set the way in which OSPF routes are compared to information obtained from other routing protocols.
Example: set area
Area number []? Is this a stub area? [No]: Is this an NSSA Area? [No]: yes Always perform NSSA Translation? [No]: Import Local Externals? [Yes]: Stub/NSSA default cost [0]? Import summaries? [Yes]: NSSA Type (1 or 2) for Default [2]?
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
External Routing in Stub Areas. You cannot configure the backbone as a stub area. External routing in stub areas is based on a default route. Each border area router attaching to a stub area originates a default route for this purpose. The cost of this default route is also configurable with the set area command.
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Valid Values: 0 to 16 777 215
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: yes
Valid Values: 1 or 2
Default Value: 2
Example: set comparison
OSPF Config> set comparison Compare to type 1 or 2 externals [2]?
OSPF Config>set cost-internal-address Internal Address Cost? [10]? 8
Valid Values: -1 to 65 535
Default Value: 0
Valid values: 1 to 65 535 seconds
Default Value: 5
Each link-state advertisement has a finite lifetime that is equal to the constant MaxAge (1 hour). As each link-state advertisement is sent to the particular interfaces, it is aged by this configured transmission delay. The minimum delay is 1 second.
Valid Values: 1 to 65 535 seconds
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: 1 to 65 535 seconds
Default Value: 10
Dead Router Interval is the interval after which a router that has not sent a Hello will be considered dead. The Dead Router Interval defaults to four times the configured Hello Interval. The value for this parameter must be greater than the Hello Interval.
Valid Values: 2 to >= 65 535 seconds
Default Value: 40 (or four times the configured Hello interval)
Valid Values: 0 to 255
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: 1 to 65 534
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: yes or no
Default Value: no
Valid Values: allow, request, or disable
Default Value: allow
Valid Values: 1 to 65 535
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: 0, 1
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: any 1-8 characters
Default Value: a null string
Example: set interface
Interface IP address []? Attaches to area []? Retransmission Interval (in seconds) [5]? Transmission Delay (in seconds) [1]? 1 Router Priority [1]? 1 Hello Interval (in seconds) [10]? Dead Router Interval (in seconds) [40]? Type Of Service 0 cost [1]? Demand Circuit (Yes or NO) ?[No]: Authentication Type (0 - none, 1 - simple) [0]? 1 Authentication Key []? AceeOSPF Retype Auth. Key []? AceeOSPF
When responding to the prompts, supply the IP address for each interface in the router and answer the questions that follow. For the following parameters, you must enter the same value for all routers attached to a common network:
The first prompt asks for the OSPF area to which the interface attaches. For example, suppose that the interface address mask is, indicating that the interface attaches to a subnet ( of network All other OSPF routers attached to subnet must also have their Hello interval set to 10, dead router interval set to 40, and their interface authentication key set to xyz_q.
Note that IP interfaces to point-to-point lines may be unnumbered. In this case a net index is configured instead of an IP address. This implementation of OSPF will work with these unnumbered interfaces, but to work correctly, both ends of the point-to-point line must use an unnumbered interface.
In a multicast routing configuration (multicast has been enabled), the MOSPF parameters for each OSPF interface are set to their default values. This means that:
If you want to change the MOSPF parameters, use the set interface command. You will be queried for multicast parameters (the last five parameters shown in the output display above) only if you have first enabled multicast forwarding.
On networks that lie on the edge of an autonomous system, where multiple multicast routing protocols (or multiple instances of a single multicast routing protocol) may exist, you may need to configure forwarding as data-link unicasts to avoid unwanted datagram replication. In any case, for all routers attached to a common network, the interface parameters "forward multicast datagrams" and "forward as data-link unicasts" should be configured identically.
For Frame Relay or ATM networks, however, the set non-broadcast command is used to configure an OSPF interface as connecting to a non-broadcast multi-access network. If the set non-broadcast command is not used, the interface is assumed to be connected to a point-to-multipoint network. In Frame Relay networks, all OSPF interfaces must be configured as connecting to the same type of network (non-broadcast multi-access or point-to-multipoint), so if the set non-broadcast command is used for one router's interface, it must be configured on the interfaces for all routers attaching to the network.
Example: set non-broadcast
Interface IP address []? Poll Interval [120]
Valid Values: Any valid IP address.
Default Value: none
Valid Values: 1 to 65535 seconds
Default Value: 120 seconds
Example: set non-broadcast
Interface IP address []? Poll Interval [120]?
Virtual links can be configured between any two backbone routers that have an interface to a common non-backbone area. Virtual links are used to maintain backbone connectivity and must be configured at both end-points.
Note: | This OSPF implementation supports the use of virtual links when one end of
the virtual link may be an unnumbered point to point line. For this
configuration to work, the router id must be used as the source address in
OSPF protocol messages sent over the virtual link. Use of the router id
can be insured by configuring the internal IP address with the address used as
the router id. Another requirement for this configuration to work is
that the OSPF implementations at both ends of the virtual link support
Valid Values: any 1-8 characters
Default Value: a null string
Example: set virtual-link
Virtual endpoint (Router ID) []? Link's transit area []? Virtual link already exists - record will be modified. Retransmission Interval (in seconds) [10]? Transmission Delay (in seconds) [5]? Hello Interval (in seconds) [30]? Dead Router Interval (in seconds) [180]? Authentication Type (0 - none, 1 - simple) [0] 1 Authentication Key []? AceeOSPF Retype Auth. Key []? AceeOSPF
Valid Values: 0 - 1770
Default Value: 0
OSPF Config> set max-random-initial-lsa-age Maximum initial LSA age [0]?
Use the following procedure to access the OSPF monitoring commands. This process gives you access to the OSPF monitoring process.
* talk 5 +
After you enter the talk 5 command, the GWCON prompt (+) displays on the terminal. If the prompt does not appear when you first enter configuration, press Return again.
+ prot ospf OSPF>
This section summarizes and then explains all the OSPF monitoring commands. These commands enable you to monitor the OSPF routing protocol. Table 23 lists the OSPF monitoring commands.
Enter the OSPF monitoring commands at the OSPF>
Table 23. OSPF Monitoring Command Summary
Command | Function |
? (Help) | Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help". |
Advertisement | Displays a link state advertisement belonging to the OSPF database. |
Area summary | Displays OSPF area statistics and parameters. |
AS external | Lists the AS external advertisements belonging to the OSPF link state database. |
Database summary | Displays the advertisements belonging to an OSPF area's link state database. |
Dump routing tables | Displays the OSPF routes contained in the routing table. |
Interface summary | Displays OSPF interface statistics and parameters. |
Join | Configures the router to belong to one or more multicast groups. |
Leave | Removes the router from membership in multicast groups. |
Mcache | Displays a list of currently active multicast forwarding cache entries. |
Mgroups | Displays the group membership of the router's attached interfaces. |
Mstats | Displays various multicast routing statistics. |
Neighbor summary | Displays OSPF neighbor statistics and parameters. |
Ping | Continuously sends ICMP Echo Requests (or pings) a given destination, printing a line for each response received. |
Policy | Displays any configured AS boundary router import policy. |
Reset | Resets the OSPF configuration dynamically. |
Routers | Displays the reachable OSPF area-border routers and AS-boundary routers. |
Size | Displays the number of LSAs currently in the link state database, categorized by type. |
Statistics | Displays OSPF statistics detailing memory and network usage. |
Traceroute | Displays the complete route (hop-by-hop) to a given destination. |
Weight | Dynamically changes the cost of an OSPF interface. |
Exit | Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment". |
Use the advertisement expansion command to print the contents of a link state advertisement contained in the OSPF database. For a summary of the router's advertisements use the database command.
A link state advertisement is defined by its link state type, link state ID and its advertising router. There is a separate link state database for each OSPF area. Providing an area-id on the command line tells the software which database you want to search. The different kinds of advertisements, which depend on the value given for link-state-type, are:
Note: | Link State IDs, advertising routers (specified by their router IDs), and area IDs take the same format as IP addresses. For example, the backbone area can be entered as |
Example 1 shows an expansion of a router links advertisement. The router's ID is It is an AS boundary router and has three interfaces to the backbone area (all of cost 1). Multicast routing has been enabled. Detailed field descriptions are provided with the example.
This command has also been enhanced in two ways. First of all, when displaying router-LSAs and network-LSAs, the reverse cost of each router-to-router link and router-to-transit-network link is displayed, as well as the previously displayed forward cost. This is done because routing of multicast datagrams whose source lies in different areas/Autonomous systems is based on reverse cost instead of forward cost. In those cases where there is no reverse link (which means that the link will never be used by the Dijkstra), the reverse cost is shown as "1-way".
In addition, the LSA's OSPF options are displayed in the same manner as they were displayed in the detailed OSPF neighbor command.
New group-membership-LSAs can also be displayed. The "LS destination" of each group-membership-LSA is a group address. A router originates a group-membership-LSA for each group that has members on one or more of the router's attached networks. The group-membership-LSA for the group lists those attached transit networks having group members (the type "2" vertices), and when there are members belonging to one or more attached stub networks, or if the router itself is a member of the multicast group, a type "1" vertex whose ID is the router's OSPF router ID is included.
Example 1: advertisement 1
LS age: 173 LS options: E,MC,DC LS type: 1 LS destination (ID): LS originator: LS sequence no: 0x80000047 LS checksum: 0x122 LS length: 60 Router type: ASBR,W # router ifcs: 3 Link ID: Link Data: Interface type: 2 No. of metrics: 0 TOS 0 metric: 3 (0) Link ID: Link Data: Interface type: 2 No. of metrics: 0 TOS 0 metric: 4 (0) Link ID: Link Data: Interface type: 3 No. of metrics: 0 TOS 0 metric: 1
LS age | Indicates the age of the advertisement in seconds. |
LS options | Indicates the optional OSPF capabilities supported by the OSPF
object corresponding to the advertisement. These capabilities
LS type | Classifies the advertisement and dictates its contents: 1 (router links advertisement), 2 (network link advertisement), 3 (summary link advertisement), 4 (summary ASBR advertisement), 5 (AS external link) and 6 (group-membership advertisement). |
LS destination | Identifies what is being described by the advertisement. Depends on the advertisement type. For router links and ASBR summaries, it is the OSPF router ID. For network links, it is the IP address of the network's designated router. For summary links and AS external links, it is a network/subnet number. For group-membership advertisements, it is a particular multicast group. |
LS originator | OSPF router ID of the originating router. |
LS sequence number | Used to distinguish separate instances of the same advertisement. Should be looked at as a signed 32-bit integer. Starts at 0x80000001, and increments by one each time the advertisement is updated. |
LS checksum | A checksum of advertisement contents, used to detect data corruption. |
LS length | The size of the advertisement in bytes. |
Router type | Indicates the level of function of the router. ASBR means that the router is an AS boundary router, ABR that the router is an area border router, and W that the router is a wildcard multicast receiver. |
# Router ifcs | The number of router interfaces described in the advertisement. |
Link ID | Indicates what the interface connects to. Depends on Interface type. For interfaces to routers (i.e., point-to-point links), the Link ID is the neighbor's router ID. For interfaces to transit networks, it is the IP address of the network designated router. For interfaces to stub networks, it is the network's network/subnet number. |
Link Data | 4 bytes of extra information concerning the link, it is either the IP address of the interface (for interfaces to point-to-point networks and transit networks), or the subnet mask (for interfaces to stub networks). |
Interface type | One of the following: 1 (point-to-point connection to another router, 2 (connection to transit network), 3 (connection to stub network) or 4 (virtual link). |
No. of metrics | The number of non-zero TOS values for which metrics are provided for this interface. |
TOS 0 metric | The cost of the interface. In parenthesis the reverse cost of the link is given (derived from another advertisement). If there is no reverse link, "1-way" is displayed. |
The LS age, LS options, LS type, LS destination, LS originator, LS sequence no, LS checksum and LS length fields are common to all advertisements. The Router type and # router ifcs are seen only in router links advertisements. Each link in the router advertisement is described by the Link ID, Link Data, and Interface type fields. Each link can also be assigned a separate cost for each IP Type of Service (TOS); this is described by the No. of metrics and TOS 0 metric fields (the router currently does not route based on TOS, and looks at the TOS 0 cost only).
Example 2 shows an expansion of a group-membership advertisement. A group-membership advertisement for a given group/advertising router combination lists those networks directly attached to the advertising router which have group members. It also lists whether the router itself is a member of the specified group. The example below shows that network has members of group
Example 2: adv 6
For which area []? LS age: 168 LS options: E LS type: 6 LS destination (ID): LS originator: LS sequence no: 0x80000001 LS checksum: 0x7A3 LS length: 28 Vertex type: 2 Vertex ID:
Vertex type | Describes the object having group members, one of: 1 (the router itself, or stub networks attached to the router) or 2 (a transit network). |
Vertex ID | When the vertex type is 1, always the advertising router''s ID. When the vertex type is 2, the IP address of the transit network's designated router. |
Use the area summary command to view a summary display of OSPF area information or a detailed display of information for the specified area. If no area is specified or the area is not found, a summary of configured areas will be displayed. If a configured area is specified, detailed information about that area will be displayed.
Valid Values: An OSPF IP address that identifies any configured OSPF NSSA
Default Value: none
Example 1:
OSPF>area Area ID Type #ifcs #nets #rtrs #brdrs DC-Status NSSA 2 0 2 1 On
# ifcs | Indicates the number of router interfaces attached to the particular area. These interfaces are not necessarily functional. |
# nets | Indicates the number of transit networks that have been found while doing the SPF tree calculation for this area. |
# rtrs | Indicates the number of routers that have been found when doing the SPF tree calculation for this area. |
# brdrs | Indicates the number of area border routers that have been found when doing the SPF tree calculation for this area. |
DC-Status | Indicates whether demand circuit processing is active for the area. |
Example 2:
OSPF>area Area Area Index: 0 Configured Interfaces: 2 Type: NSSA Inhibit Summaries: Yes Stub Default Cost: 0 NSSA Default Type: 1 NSSA Translation: No NSSA Always Translate: No NSSA Type 7 ABR Default Type: 1 NSSA Type 7 Default Originated: No Active Interfaces: 2 Demand Circuit Capability: Yes Area Networks: 0 Area Routers: 2 Reachable ASBRs: 2 Reachable ABRs: 1 Number of LSAs: 7 Noage LSAs: 0 Area Checksum: 0x0003D1CF Dynamic Config Change Flag: 0x0000 --Area ranges-- Address Mask Active Advertise Cost No Yes
Use the AS-external advertisements command to list the AS external advertisements belonging to the OSPF routing domain. One line is printed for each advertisement. Each advertisement is defined by the following three parameters: its link state type (always 5 for AS external advertisements), its link state ID (called the LS destination), and the advertising router (called the LS originator).
Example: as-external
Type LS-destination LS-originator Seq-Number Age Unreach Xsum Options 5 0x80000385 1422 0x7791 E,DC 5 0x80000385 1420 0x6B9C E,DC # advertisements: 2 Checksum total: 0xE32D
At the end of the display, the total number of AS external advertisements is printed, along with a checksum total over all of their contents. The checksum total is simply the 32-bit sum (carries discarded) of the individual advertisement's LS checksum fields. This information can be used to quickly determine whether two OSPF routers have synchronized databases.
Use the database summary command to display a description of the contents of a particular OSPF area's link state database. AS external advertisements are omitted from the display. A single line is printed for each advertisement. Each advertisement is defined by the following three parameters: its link state type (called Type), its link state ID (called the LS destination) and the advertising router (called the LS originator).
Example: database
Type LS-destination LS-originator Seq-Number Age Unreach Xsum Options 1 0x80004963 496 0xBC15 E,DC 1 0x800250FF 6 0xCA6F E,DC
# advertisements: 99 Checksum total: 0x2CD102
At the end of the display, the total number of advertisements in the area database is printed, along with a checksum total over all of their contents. The checksum total is simply the 32-bit sum (carries discarded) of the individual advertisement's LS checksum fields. This information can be used to quickly determine whether two OSPF routers have synchronized databases.
Note: | When comparing multicast-capable to non-multicast routers, the above database checksum (and also # advertisements) will not necessarily match, because non-multicast routers do not handle or store group-membership-LSAs. Also, if demand circuit processing is active in the OSPF routing domain or OSPF stub area, the database checksum will most likely be different among routers with demand circuits. Refer to RFC 1793 for more information. |
Use the dump routing tables command to display all the routes that have been calculated by OSPF and are now present in the routing table. Its output is similar in format to the IP monitoring's dump routing tables command.
Example: dump
Type Dest net Mask Cost Age Next hop(s) SPE1 00000000 4 3 SPF* FFFFFF00 1 1 Eth/0 Sbnt FFFF0000 1 0 None SPF FFFFFF00 3 3 SPF FFFFFF00 3 3 SPF FFFFFF00 3 3 RIP FFFFFF00 10 30 RIP FFFFFF00 4 30 Del FFFFFF00 16 270 None Default gateway in use. Type Cost Age Next hop SPE1 4 3 Routing table size: 768 nets (36864 bytes), 36 nets known
Sbnt - Indicates that the network is subnetted; such an entry is a place-holder only.
Dir - Indicates a directly connected network or subnet.
RIP - Indicates the route was learned through the RIP protocol.
Del - Indicates the route has been deleted.
Stat - Indicates a statically configured route.
BGP - Indicates routes learned through the BGP protocol.
BGPR - Indicates routes learned through the BGP protocol that are readvertised by OSPF and RIP.
Fltr - Indicates a routing filter.
SPF - Indicates that the route is an OSPF intra-area route.
SPIA - Indicates that it is an OSPF inter-area routes.
SPE1, SPE2 - Indicates OSPF external routes (type 1 and 2 respectively).
Rnge - Indicates a route type that is an active OSPF area address range and is not used in forwarding packets.
An asterisk (*) after the route type indicates the route has a static or directly connected backup. A percent sign (%) after the route type indicates that RIP updates will always be accepted for this network/subnet.
A number in parentheses at the end of the column indicates the number of equal-cost routes to the destination. The first hops belonging to these routes can be displayed with the IP monitoring's route command.
Use the interface summary command to display statistics and parameters related to OSPF interfaces. If no arguments are given (see Example 1), a single line is printed summarizing each interface. If an interface's IP address is given (see Example 2), detailed statistics for that interface will be displayed.
Example 1: interface
Ifc Address Phys assoc. Area Type State #nbrs #adjs TKR/0 Brdcst 64 0 0 PPP/0 Brdcst 64 0 0
Example 2: interface
Interface address: Attached area: Physical interface: Eth/1 Interface mask: Interface type: Brdcst State: 32 Authentication Type: None Designated Router: Backup DR: DR Priority: 1 Hello interval: 10 Rxmt interval: 5 Dead interval: 40 TX delay: 1 Poll interval: 0 Demand Circuit off Max pkt size: 2044 TOS 0 cost: 1 # Neighbors: 0 # Adjacencies: 0 # Full adjs.: 0 # Mcast floods: 0 # Mcast acks: 0 MC forwarding: on DL unicast: off IGMP monitor: on # MC data in: 0 # MC data acc: 0 # MC data out: 0 Network Capabilities: Broadcast Real Network IGMP polls snt: 75 IGMP polls rcv: 0 Unexp polls: 0 IGMP reports: 0
Use the join command to establish the router as a member of a multicast group.
This command is similar to the join command in the OSPF configuration monitoring with two exceptions:
When the router is the member of a multicast group, it responds to pings and SNMP queries sent to the group address.
Example: join
Use the leave command to remove a router's membership in a multicast group. This will keep the router from responding to pings and SNMP queries sent to the group address.
This command is similar to the leave command in the OSPF configuration monitoring with two differences:
Example: leave
Use the mcache command to display a list of currently active multicast cache entries. Multicast cache entries are built on demand, whenever the first matching multicast datagram is received. There is a separate cache entry (and therefore a separate route) for each datagram source network and destination group combination.
Cache entries are cleared on topology changes (for example, a point-to-point line in the MOSPF system going up or down), and on group membership changes.
Example 1: mcache
0: TKR/0 1: SDLC/0 2: FR/0 3: Internal Source Destination Count Upst Downstream 8 Local 2 (4),3 8 Local 2 (4),3 8 2 3
There is more information in a multicast forwarding cache entry. A cache entry can be displayed in detail by providing the source and destination of a matching datagram on the command line. If a matching cache entry is not found, one is built. A sample of this command is shown in Example 2.
Example 2: mcache
source Net: Destination: Use Count: 472 Upstream Type: Transit Net Upstream ID: Downstream: (TTL = 2)
In addition to the information shown in the short form of the mcache command, the following fields are displayed:
Use the mgroups command to display the group membership of the router's attached interfaces. Only the group membership for those interfaces on which the router is either designated router or backup designated router are displayed.
Example: mgroups
Local Group Database Group Interface Lifetime (secs) (Eth/1) 176 (Eth/1) 170 Internal 1
The router's internal group membership is indicated by a value of "internal." For these entries, the lifetime field (see below) indicates the number of applications that have requested membership in the particular group.
Use the mstats command to display various multicast routing statistics. The command indicates whether multicast routing is enabled and whether the router is an inter-area and/or inter-AS multicast forwarder.
mstats MOSPF forwarding: Disabled Inter-area forwarding: Disabled DVMRP forwarding: Enabled PIM forwarding: Disabled Datagrams received: 10143 Datagrams fwd (multicast): 10219 Datagrams fwd (unicast): 0 Locally delivered: 0 Unreachable source: 0 Unallocated cache entries: 0 Off multicast tree: 0 Unexpected DL multicast: 0 Buffer alloc failure: 0 TTL scoping: 0 Administrative filtering: 235 # DVMRP routing entries: 5 # DVMRP entries freed: 0 # fwd cache alloc: 1 # fwd cache freed: 0 # fwd cache GC: 0 # local group DB alloc: 0 # local group DB free: 0
The number of cache hits can be calculated as the number of datagrams received ("Datagrams received") minus the total of datagrams discarded due to "No matching rcv interface," "Unreachable source" and "Unallocated cache entries," and minus "# local group DB alloc." The number of cache misses is simply "# local group DB alloc."
Use the neighbor command to display statistics and parameters related to OSPF neighbors. If no arguments are given (see Example 1), a single line is printed summarizing each neighbor. If a neighbor's IP address is given (see Example 2), detailed statistics for that neighbor will be displayed.
Example 1: neighbor
Neighbor addr Neighbor ID State LSrxl DBsum LSreq Ifc 128 0 0 0 PPP/1 8 0 0 0 PPP/1 8 0 0 0 PPP/1 8 0 0 0 PPP/1 128 0 0 0 PPP/1 8 0 0 0 PPP/1
Example 2: neighbor
The meaning of most of the displayed fields is given in section 10 of the OSPF specification (RFC 2178).
Neighbor IP address: OSPF Router ID: Neighbor State: 128 Physical interface: Eth/1 DR choice: Backup choice: DR Priority: 1 Nbr options: E,MC Alternate TOS 0 cost: 5
DB summ qlen: 0 LS rxmt qlen: 0 LS req qlen: 0 Last hello: 7 No Hello Off # LS rxmits: 108 # Direct acks: 13 # Dup LS rcvd: 572 # Old LS rcvd: 2 # Dup acks rcv: 111 # Nbr losses: 29 # Adj. resets: 30
See "Ping" for an explanation of the Ping command.
Use the OSPF policy command to display the OSPF AS boundary route import policy for the router.
AS Boundary Importation Policy - ospf Checksum 0x9A23 Longest-Match Application IP Address IP Mask Match Index Type ----------------------------------------------------- Range 1 Include Range 2 Exclude Match Conditions: Protocol: BGP Range 4 Include Range 0 Include Range 3 Include Match Conditions: Protocol: Static Gateway IP Address Range: Range 7 Include Policy Actions: Set Manual Tag: 0xACEEACEE Range 8 Include Match Conditions: Protocol: RIP Policy Actions: Set Metric: 999
Use the OSPF reset command to dynamically modify the OSP routing configuration without restarting the router. For more information see "Dynamically Changing OSPF Configuration Parameters".
Note: | During a restart, OSPF routes will be retained in the routing table to maintain IP forwarding. |
OSPF>interface Ifc Address Phys assoc. Area Type State Auth #nbrs #adjs Eth/0 Brdcst 16 None 3 2 FR/0 P-2-MP 8 None 1 1 OSPF> *t 6 OSPF Config>delete interface OSPF Config> *t 5 OSPF>reset ospf OSPF>interface Ifc Address Phys assoc. Area Type State Auth #nbrs #adjs Eth/0 Brdcst 16 None 3 2
See "Traceroute" for an explanation of the Traceroute command.
Use the routers command to display all router routes that have been calculated by OSPF and are now present in the routing table. With the dump routing tables command, the Net field indicates that the destination is a network. The routers command covers all other destinations.
DType RType Destination AREA Cost Next hop(s) ASBR SPF 1 Fadd SPF 1 Fadd SPF 1 Fadd SPF 1 Fadd SPF 1 Fadd SPF 1 Fadd SPF 1 BR SPF 1 BR SPF 2 Fadd SPF 1
Use the size command to display the number of LSAs currently in the link state database, categorized by type.
# Router-LSAs: 6 # Network-LSAs: 2 # Summary-LSAs: 45 # Summary Router-LSAs: 6 # AS External-LSAs: 2 # Group-membership-LSAs: 11 # Intra-area routes: 11 # Inter-area routes: 15 # Type 1 external routes: 0 # Type 2 external routes: 2
Use the statistics command to display statistics generated by the OSPF routing protocol. The statistics indicate how well the implementation is performing, including its memory and network utilization. Many of the fields displayed are confirmation of the OSPF configuration.
OSPF Router ID: External comparison: Type 2 RFC 1583 compatibility: Yes Multicast OSPF [MOSPF]: Yes [Inter-Area Multicast Forwarder] Demand circuit support: Yes Least Cost Area Ranges: No AS boundary capability: Yes Import external routes: POLICY ospf Orig. default route: No [0,] Default route cost: [1, Type 2] Default forward. addr: Attached areas: 2 Estimated # external routes: 400 Estimated # OSPF routers: 100 Estimated heap usage: 104000 OSPF packets rcvd: 16971 OSPF packets rcvd w/ errs: 16269 Transit nodes allocated: 286 Transit nodes freed: 283 LS adv. allocated: 1439 LS adv. freed: 1421 Queue headers alloc: 32 Queue headers avail: 32 Maximum LSA size: 2048 # Dijkstra runs: 12 Incremental summ. updates: 0 Incremental VL updates: 0 Buffer alloc failures: 0 Multicast pkts sent: 16982 Unicast pkts sent: 10 LS adv. aged out: 0 LS adv. flushed: 5 Ptrs To Invalid LS adv: 0 Incremental ext. updates: 29 LSA Max Random Initial Age: 0 LSA MINARRIVAL rejects: 1 External LSA database: Current state: Normal Number of LSAs: 11 Number of overflows: 0
Use the weight command to change the cost of one of the routers OSPF interfaces. This new cost is immediately flooded throughout the OSPF routing domain, causing routes to be updated accordingly.
The cost of the interface will revert to its configured cost whenever the router is restarted or reloaded. To make the cost change permanent, you must reconfigure the appropriate OSPF interface after invoking the weight command. This command will cause a new router links advertisement to be originated, unless the cost of the interface does not change.
Example: weight 2
This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.
OSPF supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with no restrictions.
OSPF supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:
If OSPF was not running before, but has now been configured, you need to reboot to enable OSPF and activate the new interface.
All OSPF interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.
OSPF supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following considerations:
All OSPF interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.
OSPF supports the following OSPF-specific GWCON (Talk 5) reset commands:
If the amount of heap memory required is larger than that currently available, because of an increased number of routes or routers, the router must be restarted.
All OSPF commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol ospf, reset ospf command.
If the amount of heap memory required is larger than that currently available, because of an increased number of routes or routers, the router must be restarted.
All OSPF commands are supported by the GWCON, protocol ip, reset ip command.
OSPF supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the
operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the
device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable
Commands |
GWCON, protocol ospf, weight |
GWCON, protocol ospf, join |
GWCON, protocol ospf, leave |